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Grilled Mahi Mahi over Brown Rice with Broccoli


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I knew I wanted mahi mahi but I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with it. I thought of making fish tacos but I didn't really have the stuff. So, I read a bunch of recipes and then basically disregarded them.

I wasn't sure what to for the marinade so I just started with some sriracha sauce and went from there. I ended up adding some soy sauce, some olive oil, a bit of sesame oil, some garlic (powder and minced), some onion powder, a tad of worcestershire, a tad of tabasco and finally some white wine. Strange, I know.

After marinating it for a while, I grilled it with the griddler and served it on top of [plain] brown rice with steamed broccoli on the side. It was very good!


Fish...3+1 for the oil and stuff

Rice...3 (1/2 cup dry per person)

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 260, 2010-08-23_210540